Happy New Year 2013

Dear friends

Best wishes to you for Christmas and a New Year. We wish you a good health, lot of energy, prosperity and for all your dreams to come true. We would be happy to hear from your and keep connection.

We have proper frosty and snowy winter in St-Petersburg. No more global warming as well as the end of the World for sure! So I wish for all us a long life and to see each other many times, of course!

Here is some news of the last year in our family. It was a year of hard work as well as of interesting family trips. The most impressive was a trip to Peru that still keeps a memory of the Inca empire. We had a challenging trekking along the ancient Inca trail towards legendary Machu Picchu. We spent nearly a month in Peru having an opportunity to see the main cities with impressive heritage of Inca times. We explored jungle of Amazonia, stayed in Indian village on an island of the highest navigable lake Titikaka, flew above famous Nazka desert lines. You can see here some photo impressions of this trip at www.goussakovski.narod.ru/photos.html

We visited also India for ITAA conference in Chennai and then had a week of sightseeing around. Our traditional kayak and mountain expeditions to the north of Russia to Khibini Mountains and White Sea also took place.

VLADIMIR still travels every month, sometimes not ones, to teach and supervise his students to Ukraine, Armenia and Moscow. He visited also Macedonia and Montenegro to run workshops and presentations. He manages to see his therapy clients during short stays at home and work part time as an engineer in a shipbuilding research institute. Challenging and at the same time rewarding experience is his continuing service as a Vice-President of International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA).

TATIANA also works hard and rarely at home. She travels nearly every weekend to teach and supervise to Moscow, to the south of Russia and to Kazakhstan. In St-Petersburg she works till the late nighttime seeing her clients and running training courses in her workplace: East-European Institute for Psychoanalysis. She apparently enjoys her work and successes of her students even though she gets sometimes very tired.

 MARGARITA studies at the fourth grade of East-European Institute for Psychoanalysis and was rewarded by a title: The best student of the year. She is getting more and more busy trying teaching in a school, consulting clients on Skype, performing scientific investigations. She's made a successful presentation of her research together with her mom in Switzerland at the conference of European Association for Counseling. She tried to climb Elbrus the highest mount of Europe and was very disappointed to be stopped just before the top by hurricane-like wind and snowstorm. She learns how to live in relationship. Her partner Max is a psychology post-graduate, so we have sometimes professional discussions all together.

 LUDMILA, Tatiana’s mother is getting older, but is still energetic and masters the house. Now she went to Moscow to see her elder daughter, grandchildren and forthcoming great grandchild.

We look forward to hear from you at v.gusakovski@gmail.com

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